Sun Prairie Youth Football East & West is managed by volunteers and carries no paid positions within the Board of Directors. Each Board of Directors consists of 4 Chair positions; President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. SPYF East and SPYF West each have additional board seats varying from 5-11, dependent on organizational needs. Additionally board members will serve as directors. Director positions include Coaching & Playbook Supervision, Equipment and Safety, Promotion and Fundraising, Volunteer Coordinating, Registration and Scholarships, etc...
Board of Directors positions all carry a 2 year term with ½ of the officer’s terms expiring one year and the other ½ expiring the next. This model ensures future continuity for the organization by ensuring the organization retains knowledge from the Board of Directors from year to year.
Annual Operations are dictated by fully documented By-Laws which are reviewed and updated annually by the SPYF Board of Directors.
2024 Board of Directors:
Sam Katz, President
Nick Schutwell, Vice President
Tom Kelly, Treasurer
Michelle Eschler, Secretary
Jeff Bennett, Equipment Director
Logan Georgeson, Fundraising Director
Mike Watkins, Facilities/Fields
Steve Mittelstaedt, Communications
Brian Waszczyk
Mike Campbell
Ryan Schmelzer
Erik Zuehlke
Cormac Sampson, High School Liaison
Brian Kaminski - SP East HS Varsity HC
Jon Callaway - Director of Officiating
Steve Schwenn - President/Director of Sport
Chris King – Vice-President/Equipment Director
Matt Gitzlaff – Secretary/Director of Registration
Alex Peasley – Coaching
Brandon Jensen - Facilities
Andy Juedes - Facilities
Stephanie Juedes - Communications
Erin Manske - Fundraising
Kristle Bollans - Fundraising
Michelle Wipperfurth - Fundraising
Josh O'Connor - SP West HS Varsity HC
Luke Tyson - Treasurer
Jon Callaway - Director of Officiating